Thanks to a generous group of former board and longtime members, all memberships will be matched $1 for $1 up to $3,700 until Dec. 31!
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Celebrate the One Year Anniversary of Permanent Protection for Bristol Bay
Gifts that Give Back to Alaskan Fisheries
Support Healthy Fisheries & Win King Crab!
Alaska Community Seafood Hub Shines: Winner at Fish 2.0 and Awarded USDA Grant
Monterey Gathering Unites AMCC with Community Based Fishing Groups
Fish Talk in Our Nation’s Capitol: Magnuson-Stevens and Beyond
Join Us to Celebrate Bristol Bay & Bering Sea Fisheries at Fish Expo
Fishing Communities Coalition Unites Groups on Federal Policy
Congratulations 2015 Raffle Winners!
Get Ready to Boogie at the 9th Annual Ocean Boogie
Halibut Capital of the World Kicks off First Homer Halibut Fest
Take Action Now: Reduce Halibut Bycatch in the Bering Sea
Local fishing, farming groups to bring Greenhorns director to Alaska
Interactive Ocean Acidification Kiosk Opens in Homer
A Weekend in Naknek