Thanks to a generous group of former board and longtime members, all memberships will be matched $1 for $1 up to $3,700 until Dec. 31!
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Sitka Seafood Fest and Salmonstock This Weekend
Every Halibut Counts Makes Waves
Kodiak Fishermen Target a Niche Consumer Market
Bycatch Limits – Incidental catch issues continue to plague council
Local Fishing & Local Markets
Federal, state fishery managers focus on Chinook crisis
Island Institute Produces Ocean Acidification Video
New Kodiak Jig Seafoods Website
NPFMC June Meeting in Nome Wraps Up
Clean Up Anchorage’s Coastline June 22nd
Advisory Panel Declines Lowering Salmon Bycatch Limits After Hearing Public Testimony
National Negroni Week at the Bear Tooth Grill
Thank You Catch of the Season Subscribers!
New Report Cites AMCC Staff!
Watch Alaskan Chefs Battle at Crabfest!